Thursday, September 1, 2011


We have all had to make them one way or another, but how do you know if you are making the right one? I could go back and forth and switch my decision a million times, so how do I know what is right? I wish I had it could be like that movie Mr Destiny where I could I could see how my one decision effected the rest of my life that way I would know which was the right one. You can look at it from every angle, even make a pro and con list but there is still that bit of doubt that you are making the wrong decision. Not just any decision, but one of the most important in your life. Do you go with your gut?  But with if that changes depending on the day you are having or the mood you are in.?  how do you keep that assurance that what you were so sure of a day ago is the right thing?  This is what I am struggling with right now. I am not going to say what about because I haven't made my mind up yet, but I wish I had someone to tell what I should do. I wish I had that sign or crystal ball, but this is reality and sometimes reality isn't so nice.  Everything you do in life affects your future. Some decision not as much as others, but that all have some affect. Do I wear black slimming pants today or the brown ones?  Do I have a drink after work or not?  Do I eat healthy today or pig out?  Every decision means something.  Hmmm. Maybe I will never figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. Go with your gut, 99% of the time, it ends up being the right decision and sometimes when you do go with the other side of your brain, in the end you wish you had gone with your gut feeling. Look back at other decisions you have made in your life and think, were they from your gut or from other people's influence, and which was the better decision for YOU??!! In the end, you just have to be able to live with you decisions, right or wrong, but they must be yours and learn to live with the outcome, whether it is good or whether it needs to be tweaked a little to be good but either way, the sun will always come up again! Always! (just sayin') :)
