Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Everyone makes them and some hold up while others don't have a chance! Well, I want to share mine. I plan on trying to hold up each one of mine to the best of my ability, but we will see! Let me lay them out for you so maybe you can help me!
1. Get back to working out.  This is the most common New Years resolution, but I HAVE to make it mine. I remember getting the best compliment ever at Sarah Blinds house that i looked great after having 2 kids and now I am ashamed how I look. Stress and alcohol have played a big part and I will not lie about that! I was stressed before, but I know that exercising helped to ease a lot of that, so I need to get back to it!  Anyone willing to help motivate me would be greatly appreciated!
2. Be nicer. I try and I try but I think some times my meds aren't working! LOL! I cant help how bad people get on my nerves and I need to not care and not let it bother me.  In the BIG picture, it doesn't matter!
3. Be a better mother. I have been so depressed lately because my babies are growing up. I get stressed by them A LOT, but I would totally have another one if it wasn't for the fact that it is expensive! Kenny and I make decent money and having 2 kids in daycare has wiped us out! If we had another, someone would have to quit their job and that would be Kenny since I make more than him and carry the insurance.  Could you imagine Kenny as a stay at home dad? Holy crap!
4. Say less cuss words. Sorry but that comes with the stress. *uck...maybe yoga would fix a lot for me!
5.Drink less. Drinking has added to my weight gain. Less liquor, less pounds!

Thanks for listening everyone!  Love ya! Happy New Year and make sure your hopes and wishes come true!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Christmas Craze!

Buy, wrap, buy, wrap. Give, receive, give receive. Mess! Excitement! Exhaustion! Sadness!Regret! All of these things are a part of the Christmas craze! One thing or another has left you feeling one of these things! I love the holidays and Christmas with my kids is one of the best things ever! I finally felt the feeling that I did when I was once a kid, and it is something I dont ever want to lose. That is why I feel excitement and sadness at the same time. I told Kenny this morning that it was going to be an emotional day. He was worried that I was pregnent, but it was just because I am an emotional person and at  Christmas I get overwhelmed with happiness.  It was so funny how freaked out Kenny was about having a 3rd baby. He made me take a prego test, didnt believe it so I had to quit drinking and quit smoking until aunt flo visited last night. So funny! He was worried he would have to put up with me for another 18 years instead of 15! 
Anyway....Christmas time brings about so many different feelings and most are good. I hope if this is your first Christmas dealing with a loss, you find comfort in your other family and friends that are still here for you. Buying gifts and traveling from place to place is crazy, but would it really feel like Christmas if we werent doing these things?  Wake up, shower, drive, open gifts, go home, wake up, showe, drive, open gifts, go home. wake up,  open gifts, shower, drive, open gifts, visit, leave, open gifts, eat, leave. That was our past three days. Crazy?  Yes. But I wouldnt change a thing!!!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

A list of things you should re-think before you do

We all know we shouldn't do these things but for one reason or another we make these BAD decisions.
Hindsight is 20 20 but they don't make glasses for that! These are my top ten things I should have reconsidered.:

1. After a night out of drinking, clean off the back window before you drive to the store. You will get pulled over because of the window not being cleaned off and then get busted for drinking..

2. Don't play card games with people you don't know. Because you will always lose.

3. Don't try to call an ex after 10 years because you think they want to talk to you.

4. Don't try to hit someone with a ding dong. It can be a deadly weapon!

5.Don't decide it is time to tell your boss how you feel under paid and over used when its time to get your raise.

6. Don't write something in your blog that can relate to somebody at work that reads your blog.  It might backfire.

7.  Dont  say you are on your way when you are really at happy hour

8. Dont try to out fart someone, you might end up with dirty pants!

9.  Dont try to whisper in a valley. .Everyone can hear you!

10. Dont try to moon someone on the highway when you have a pimple on your ass.

Please don't ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. Please take into consideration I was young, stupid or under the influence. Consider how you want to live your lives!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


We all know the word and most of us hate it! I think it is way over used these days, but a lot of the times it is still an appropriate term for things going on. I am soooo guilty and I felt like this was the place to confess. As much as I really do hate drama, one way or another i get pulled into it. Some people don't think that what they are doing or saying causes drama, but that usually means it does.  Something that I have realized and tried to remember is that all of my friends have different opinions, different likes and different personalities. I like each friend because of who they are and what they contribute to our friendship. No one is perfect and no one is going to think or feel exactly the same that I do about things and I try to always respect that and remember that. If I am being honest....I have to admit that I forget that sometimes.  I need to realize that not everyone is going to like everything about me and that is ok. As long as you like me as a friend, we are good.  So many people get chips on their shoulder's because someone isn't exactly what they think is normal or like themselves and I know I am guilty of that. Then we talk about it to someone else and before we know it....there is drama. that is one of my new year's resolutions. I am going to try and appreciate all of my friends for who they are, appreciate their differences and respect their boundaries. If I don't, please feel free to call me on it! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

All I want for Christmas is a hippopotomaus!

I heard that song this morning on my way into work. It wouldn't be the Christmas season without hearing that song at least once! So what do you think? Do you detest it or think it is kinda of cute?  I love it in the kinda of way that I hate the fact I cant get it out of my mind once i hear it!  I was thinking about the song and how  the kid wanting a hippo meant and I finally got it!  Sorry I am slow some times.  maybe what we want isn't realistic, like wanting a hippo. I know my kids have a VERY unrealistic Christmas list, but as a parent I am trying to do my best to full fill it. Why don't we all ask for a hippo for Christmas?  Set the bar really high, and that way we are guaranteed a decent gift.  I was soooo guilty of being the person I talked about in my Grinch's blog! Only because I went Christmas shopping that Sunday and bought myself a sweater that was on sale. to me that was pretty good, because I could have bought a hole shit load of stuff easily! Oh well I am human. i love shopping and shopping for other people is even better! We are officially in the holiday season and I am happy to have all my friends and family in my life. I am also appreciative to those people that pointed things out to me with my last blog. I have always been the type of girl that was proud of who I was and I never tried to make sure other people liked me. Thank you to everyone that reminded me of that. I feel so much better and appreciate your friendship :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Like Mother, Like Daughter

When we were little kids, there was a time that each one of us hoped and wanted to be like our parents. Every little boy couldn't wait to grow up and be like his dad. They wanted to go hunting or fishing and just hang with their dads. Every little girl wanted to grow up and be like their mom. Wear pretty clothes and jewelry like their moms did and get their hair and nails done.  Then as we got older, our wishes might have slightly changed. During the teenage years being like our parents may not have seemed like coolest thing anymore. We may have even labeled them as "lame" or "dorks". We swore we would NEVER be like them. We would always be cool as parents when we were in that role. Time went on and we grew up. Some of us have even had our own kids and now being like our may may be exactly what we strive for.
I know that for me, once I became a mom and learned what it was like to put some one's needs before my own, I looked to my mom for help and answers. I wanted to give my kids the same love, support and encouragement that she gave me. I knew that as a child, teenager and an adult, my mom has always been my biggest supporter. Don't get me wrong...when I have been wrong, she has not hesitated to tell me so. She has given me that "hard love" before, but I understand why and I appreciate it. That is what I strive to be as a mother.  My mom is also one of the kindest persons I know of. She would do anything for anyone including animals. She has helped so many stray dogs and hurt animals that she has found. She has such a big heart. That is something that she taught me and I am so happy that I have followed in her footsteps in those areas. Though there are many ways I want to be like my mom, I have to be truthful that there are some I do not.  Here goes  (Mom, don't kill me! ).
I have to say that my mom is one of the slowest drivers!  It is painful to drive with her. She is so nervous about everything and everyone around her that she drives way under the speed limit all the time! My grandma is too so I am hoping that isn't what I am going to be like in another 20 years.
My mom is also a hoarder. Anything that has the smallest amount of sentimental value, she keeps. I mean anything!  There have even been presents that people have given her that she doesn't want to open because they are too special and she wants to keep them just the way they are. (not kidding!)  I am starting to get a little worried because I find that I am starting to do some of the same things. Not to that extreme, but my keepsake box has turned into tubs!
Another things my mom likes to do is sing. She has a beautiful voice and used to sing when she was younger, but now she likes to sing obnoxious songs and things just to be silly. It's funny but not really at 6:00 in the morning!  LOL!  Well today I found myself doing just that. It was my friend Sarah's birthday today and I called her at 630 this morning and sang happy birthday to her on her voice mail.  OMG! I am turning out like my mom :)
The last thing I notice is that my grandma is repeatedly calling all of her kids and grand kids by the wrong names. I have caught my mom doing the same thing from time to time.  Please don't let me start doing that. I am worried that it is inevitable!
But with all the joking aside, my mom is an amazing woman and I would be lucky to be half the woman that she is!  Love ya mom!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dont be mean to my mom

LOL!  Those are the words out of my big boy's mouth today!  It is so funny how much he picks up on, how much he understands and what he takes interest in.  So after the ordeal with my last blog, Austin has heard me talking and is a little upset. I tried to explain to him what was going on (in kid terms) and he doesn't understand why  people are upset by what I said. He thinks people are being mean to Santa and I was sticking up for him. Little does he know that it is true but not in the way he thinks! I am at a loss for words. I want him of all people to stay in this little Christmas bubble and not deal with the crap I have seen this past week.. My last blog was about Christmas spirit and it seemed to bring about the opposite.  I am really sorry. I was feeling very lucky that night about what I had in my life. My life compared to what other people had,  and I didn't want anyone to feel bad, especialy my loved ones.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Santa VS the Grinch

Bah! humbug!  that is not me but I have run across several people that have acted that way this year. So lets see who has the Christmas spirit and who has the Grinch's way of thinking.  I have experienced people at work who have passed out Christmas cards to everyone except one person who they don't care for. To me that is so hypocritical. How can you say you are passing along Christmas wishes to everyone except the person you don't like? To me that defeats the purpose. Have we forgotten what Christmas is about? I think a little bit of Grinch slid in there. Christmas is supposed to be about giving and that means to everyone. this includes those less fortunate and those we don't normally get along with. God didn't differentiate between people and either should we. I always worry that I don't have enough money do buy a ton of presents for everyone in my family but what about those people that cant even buy one? I have been thinking about that a lot lately and decided that I should practice what I say and not act like I am all about Christmas. Going to the stores and buying gifts for myself might be fun, but then I think about those people that could use that extra $20 to buy a shirt or pair of jeans. I am selfish. That is how i feel. A lot of us have more than enough money and spend it on each other, but what about the money we could spend on people that have nothing? I realized that today when I had a homeless woman talk to me.It was very humbling.

Think about what you have and what you can give and I hope everyone has a fulfilling Christmas.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Times are changing!

So my weekend so far has been like this...

Friday night I came home and we ordered out to the Office. I was in charge of getting the food and going to the red box for movies. As usual, I got a movie for Kenny and I and a movie for the kids. We ended up eating dinner while watching the kid movie and never ended up watching the movie for Kenny and I. Once the kid movie was over I made a pile on the living room floor and me and the kids passed out, that is until I was rudely interrupted. I wont even go there because I am sure none of you want to hear about that. this morning we all woke up about 830 and I went to IGA to get food for breakfast. I decided at work Friday to check out pinterest and found I was hooked. I  understand every one's fascination now!  I found a breakfast recipe and made it for everyone. The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning and catering to Austin, Olivia and Austin's friend. Later a different friend called Austin to spend the night.  One kid down!  Then grandma came over to check out the Christmas tree and lights. She asked Olivia if she wanted to come over and stay the night. For a second I thought we had a chance at a night to ourselves, but Olivia quickly said no and that she wanted to stay with us. Ugh!  We went to Tequilas and Kenny and I both had a margarita. OK a little more fun. Then we came home and I made him play 3 games of  Yahtzee with me. He then told me he would play strip Yahtzee with me if I could get Olivia to go to sleep. Well to say the least... still no luck!  This child is an energizer bunny.  While reading facebook I see all these posts of everyone who is backroading tonight or having a few friendly drinks. I was just excited to play Yahtzee. Oh how things have changed!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

You annoy me!

I am not even in a bad mood or a semi bad mood. I am in a good mood, but I have been building this list for awhile and since I didn't have anything else to blog about I thought this would work!

So everyone gets annoyed by something or someone, maybe even by me! Well I might feel the same way and I have decided to make a blog about my annoyances (some of them at least).

1. People who take the elevator to go up or down one flight of stairs. Sorry, but unless you are physically unable to walk, that should not be a problem. Come on! Laziness takes on a whole new meaning to me with this one. I cannot stand when I am on an elevator and someone gets on and tells me they want the next floor. Really? By the time you spend waiting for the elevator you could already have walked to where you want to go. Sorry, but that is the truth! 

2. People who come into the bathroom and use the stall right next to you even though there is another one available. That is just rude! Seriously, I want my space even if I am only going #1. Why would you want to use the restroom right next to someone if you didn't have to? Annoying!

3. People who pull out in front of you when there is no one behind you. This pisses me off and is a huge part of my road rage. I highly doubt that pulling out in front of me instead of waiting a few more seconds is going to make a difference with the time it takes you to get to where you need to go. If it does then I guess kudos to you.

4. People who think they are praising themselves but at the same time they are putting other people down for not doing the same thing. To each their own. That is all I have to say about that!

5. People that use all the toilet paper and don't replace it or say anything. You know who you are and you know that the person after you is going to be screwed and have to drip dry or worse yet use their underwear and throw them away. yes. I have been there and done that!  Not one of my best moments but it was what had to be done!

That is all for now. I would LOVE if you shared some with me!