Thursday, December 1, 2011

You annoy me!

I am not even in a bad mood or a semi bad mood. I am in a good mood, but I have been building this list for awhile and since I didn't have anything else to blog about I thought this would work!

So everyone gets annoyed by something or someone, maybe even by me! Well I might feel the same way and I have decided to make a blog about my annoyances (some of them at least).

1. People who take the elevator to go up or down one flight of stairs. Sorry, but unless you are physically unable to walk, that should not be a problem. Come on! Laziness takes on a whole new meaning to me with this one. I cannot stand when I am on an elevator and someone gets on and tells me they want the next floor. Really? By the time you spend waiting for the elevator you could already have walked to where you want to go. Sorry, but that is the truth! 

2. People who come into the bathroom and use the stall right next to you even though there is another one available. That is just rude! Seriously, I want my space even if I am only going #1. Why would you want to use the restroom right next to someone if you didn't have to? Annoying!

3. People who pull out in front of you when there is no one behind you. This pisses me off and is a huge part of my road rage. I highly doubt that pulling out in front of me instead of waiting a few more seconds is going to make a difference with the time it takes you to get to where you need to go. If it does then I guess kudos to you.

4. People who think they are praising themselves but at the same time they are putting other people down for not doing the same thing. To each their own. That is all I have to say about that!

5. People that use all the toilet paper and don't replace it or say anything. You know who you are and you know that the person after you is going to be screwed and have to drip dry or worse yet use their underwear and throw them away. yes. I have been there and done that!  Not one of my best moments but it was what had to be done!

That is all for now. I would LOVE if you shared some with me!

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