Friday, September 23, 2011

Thinking back

I heard the fireworks go off tonight, signaling a win for the Red Bud football team! Go Musketeers! Shortly after, I had to run to the gas station to get Kenny some milk for the cookies he made. While I was there I saw all sorts of people that had just left the game. There were a bunch of teenagers who were wearing their school spirit attire and some of them with their faces painted. It took me back to the days when that was me and my friends after a school football game. For some reason Fall always makes me think of the old high school days. Going back to school again and hanging out with my friends. Everyone would always meet up at the game and then once it was over, we would all flock to the house of whomever decided to have the party for the night. I remember my girlfriends and I going over to each others houses to get ready for our Friday night. We would fix our hair, apply about a whole can of hairspray, swap clothes about a 100 times and then give each other the thumbs up before we were off to the party.   Sometimes those memories seem like only a year ago.   I remember the times when there wasn't anyone having a party, everyone would load up in a few  cars and head out to the back roads. The grassy knol was a popular party spot. There was always that bit of excitement when you pulled up because you never knew who was there and maybe, just maybe that hot guy you had your eyes on would be there too! Someone would turn on the radio and we would all just hang out, enjoying our teenage years.  I had quite a few parties at my house too.  The first one was  HUGE!  One of the freshman stood at the end of my driveway and collected money as people showed up. 2 half barrels, music and a bonfire equaled a GREAT time!  When my mom came home, there was actually a guy puking off my deck and since his head was shaved we decided to take lipstick and color all over it while he was throwing up.  My mom freaked out because she thought he was bleeding.  The party lasted until the cops showed up and then all but a few that were staying the night, left.   Another party that I remember going to was at a fellow classmate's house who lived in Hecker. Someone actually got shocked with a pig shocker that night!   I am sure I am forgetting some of the other memorable moments, but there was so many, it is hard to think of all of them!  I really cant believe that I am now a mother of two and 34 years old.  It just blows my mind that I am no longer that fun, irresponsible teenager.  I sometimes wonder what is in store for me once my kids are all grown up and have their own lives. Will that be the time that I can reconnect with old friends?  Will I be able to do all those things that I always wanted to do?  It's weird to think about all the stages you go through during your life. Each one is a challenge in it's own way and fulfilling in different ways.   Even though I cant pick up on a whim and go any where I want and I cant sleep in as late as I want, I am very happy and thankful for what I have in my life at this point and I hope that whatever is in store for me in the future is half as good as what I have now :)

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