Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend Wonders

So now that I got my first blog out of the way I guess I will just dive right into my second one.Now that my secret is out of the bag (that I am blogging) I am getting mixed reactions. For the most part my friends think that is is great that I have decided to start blogging and look forward to reading. My husband on the other hand thinks that it is silly and stupid and my mother in law jokingly told me not to share too many secrets. I guess the title of my blog might have misled some people. Let me clerify that I dont plan on spilling everyone's secrets on here. I just hope that this is a place I can share things about my life and be a little more open than what I can be on facebook.  Now on to the weekend recaps....

So, Saturday I cleaned around the house which feels like a hopeless task most of the time. I feel like I am busting my butt just to keep up withe the basics (laundry, dishes, picking stuff up and putting it away). I feel like I need a day off work with no kids and no husband to really have the oppertunity to deep clean my house the way it should be. Oh well, one can dream right?  Later Saturday afternoon we went and picked up one of Austin's friends and headed to Kenny's moms for dinner and visiting time. The appertizers, margaritas and dinners were fantastic. Debbie out did herself as usual. The kids ran around and played while some of us played cards and the rest sat around a caught up on happenings. The kids always look forward to seeing their uncle Scott. Since Scott can be like a big kid himself sometimes, the kids love playing and teasing with him. Leave it to Scott though to liven up the night with his teasing and somewhat inappropriate comments. One of the funniest that night was Scott asking his step sister if her "new short" haircut meant she was swinging the other way now!?!  OMG did he really just ask that!?  While a few of them (Scott included) played cards I sat back with Kristen thankful that we decided not to play. I think besides grandma Ahne, everyone at the table was nit picking or making fun of they way each other played.  To stressful for me!

Then today we stopped and visited the Blinds. Hopefully the next time Olivia and Brody will play a little nicer together!  Olivia sure did show her badness and sassiness while we were there and it continued the rest of the day while we visited papa and mimi. Glad tomorrow is back to daycare!  We unloaded more yard sale stuff and I asked myself again why I put myself through the hell that comes with yard sales!

Well that is about it for the weekend. It's time to watch me some True Blood and hopefully have some good dreams about Bill and Eric tonight!!!   Till next time.....

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